Digital Transformation
For Your Property Management

Property and Building Management System with ICT One Solution
BIMASAKTI enables you to keep track and monitor every financial aspect of your business. With all financial information at your fingertips, you can make the forecasting with less risk. Processing and printing monthly invoices with Value-Added Tax (VAT) forms can be automatically added using BIMASAKTI and for tax reporting purposes, BIMASAKTI can be linked to e-Faktur PPN.
BIMASAKTI is the ideal application for:

Shopping Center


Industrial Estate


Data Center


Landed House
BIMASAKTI's Key Features
Building Management can operate more efficiently and effectively by implementing a system. To get optimum efficiency, BIMASAKTI has a complete integrated system that could cater to all Building Management business processes, from Lease & Billing Management to Logistics and Accounting.
- Pro Rate / Non-Pro Rate
- Unit Occupancy
- Payment Scheme
- Penalty Policy
- Revenue Sharing
- Reminder Lease Renewal
- Multi PR in 1 PO
- System Approval
- Multi Goods Receipt
- Stock Control
- Cost Analysis
- Link with Work Order
- Service Charge
- Utility Usage : Electricity, Water, Gas
- Others Charge
- Digital Billing
- Billing Notification
- Reminder Late Payment
- Deposit Management
- Penalty Process
- Integrated with VA Bank
- Digital News
- Notification Ticket from Tenant
- Process Request and Complaint thru Mobile App
- Tenant History
- e-Form*
- Automatic Journal
- Revenue Recognition
- Budget
- Balance Sheet
- Income Statement
- Meter Record Utility
- Integrated with BAS
- Capture with smartphone
- Auto Maintenance Notification
- Auto Assignment Notification
- Mobile Work Order
This is a Powerful Application
This application can help you achieve 100% tenant satisfaction, provide 100% on-time bill payments, and quickly resolve all tenant issues.
Tenant Apps
Bimasakti Dashboard
Engineer Apps
Payment Getaway
Modul Modul Bimasakti
Accounting & Finance
Leasing Management
Tenancy Management
Customer Service
Preventive Maintenance
Purchasing & Inventory
Mobile Solution : BIMASAKTI TENANT
This application can help you achieve 100% tenant satisfaction, provide 100% on-time bill payments, and quickly resolve all tenant issues.
Multi-Channel Payment Gateway
Billing Due Date Notification

Contract Renewal Notification
Integration between tenant's billing report & access card
Interested to find out more about BIMASAKTI?
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